Saturday, October 25, 2008

Buy a timeshare?

I've just spent a fabulous week in Gran Canaria with my mates. We spent most of the time in Puerto Rico, hangin out, meeting boys.

Every day by the beach there were sales reps trying to get us to visit a timeshare complex. We kept avoiding them but one day there was a cute guy who Sarah got chatting to. The next day he took us to the complex and we got free drinks as they tried to sell it to us.

We got close to buying but the hard sell turned us off a bit. It seems like it was the right decision. I've just been looking around and while there are some cool vids, this blog worried me which criticised Anfi Emerald.

Does anyone out there have a timeshare in Gran Canaria? Was it worth it?


Anonymous said...

Hi Alice

I've joined in the bet now - but you beat me to it!

Yes, that day at Anfi was fun taking all their freebies lol!

Brummie Alice said...

Souce Andy?